— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I decided to follow the advice of the sites, well, and decided to go to get acquainted, because the clubs I do not go, then decided to go to the park (the case was in Peter).

I sit, I mean, on the bench, I wait for the girl to pass by, but somehow it was not lucky, it was already evening, and there was no "production"!

It rained here and I was wet, although I wasn’t hot yet. So here, I am sitting trembling to warm up - stretched the cap. And here a girl passes by, I was going to leave, but the girl was beautiful...

I’m sitting... I think... Yeah, come or not? No, I will come anyway! Or hell with him, where am I so wet going? Although, if she refuses, I’m not losing anything... Fuck, she’s gone!

I jump up, I go after her, and here I understand that I jumped up sharply, probably noticed. The street is already dark, the park, no one - only me and the girl in front. I understood that she noticed me, I go quickly thinking what to say (on pickup forums - a opening. The phrase, how to talk to a girl and continue the conversation), but nothing comes to mind, and she is already turning. Here, my gaze falls on her bag, and when I open my mouth, I realize that I am shaking from the rain.

The Park. The evening. Behind the girl is a shivering guy in a cap. She is turning.

I say with a loud voice:

You have a beautiful bag.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna