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The story happened to my girlfriend eight years ago. At the time she was 30, and her mother over 70 – she gave birth late, with a daughter – my friend – they lived together. Her mother had heart problems, she died and Tanya (girlfriend) remained alone. The death of her mother she experienced very hard and for a long time could not accept the loss, dreamed that all this was false and her mother was alive. She even told me that when she saw the falling star, in her head was automatically “let my mom come back.” Six months after the death of her mother, a woman came to Tana, judging by the whole alcoholic and stated that it was necessary to talk. In general, it turned out that this woman - the real mother of Tany, gave birth to her at the age of 14, and to avoid the shame of Tany's grandmother wrote the girl on herself. When Tanie was 3 months old, her mother fled the house, and Tanya stayed with her grandmother. And now, when her mother learned about her grandmother’s death, she returned 30 years later to share her inheritance.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna