— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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happened in the morning. On the way to work. I have only seen it on YouTube before.
I walk through a trolleybus stop. And we have a stupid final branch. The trolls on both sides are straight on the side. And if a lot of them really prevent them from sometimes moving away. Well, not in that matter.
I have a bad habit. If I’m not sure, I’m not overtaking. I do not ride red. Education in the USSR was bad. Here and approaching the stop, I see a trolleybus, and, remembering our pedestrians that are bypassing it, both behind and in front, I drop to 40. What causes the anger of the happy owner, Deu Nexia, who is carrying behind. But the healthy whisma is on my side and I don’t rush. At this moment, Lexus, who is going to meet me, suddenly jumps out on my lane, which is already caused by my just anger. I naturally stop. Suddenly a picture. Because of the trolley bus next to me under the car that has stopped, a man jumps and falls. He went on the hood and fell on the asphalt. I go out to express my “fu” to this miserable, but the Lexus driver is ahead of me. It turned out to be a girl. The man-victim, saw her, and under a fairly tough pencil in the ass on her side with a quiet – ohblyaopyatona! I broke up in the morning.)
This is the type of person who is engaged in this type of extortion. A girl from Lexus lives next door. He has already jumped under it. Not as much hurt as she was scared. So when she saw him, she didn’t blink the lights. As she explained to me, I thought I’t understand why. I risked the meeting.
And we say “baby driving...” and so on. not all.
Thank you girl! )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna