— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We talked about the Finno-Ugres. What to say. All said long ago.
A lot of bullshit if you asylum

Millions are you. We are darkness, darkness and darkness.
Try it, fight with us!
The skyscrapers are us! The Asians, we are
With glorious and greedy eyes.

We, as obedient holops,
They held a shield between two hostile races.
Mongols and Europe

We love everything - and the heat of cold numbers,
The gift of divine visions,
We understand everything - and the sharp Gallian meaning,
The German genius.

We will not move when the fierce Gun
in the pockets of the bodies,
Burn the city, and drive the taboo into the church.
And the meat of the white brothers to roast!

Remember for the last time, old world!
At the fraternal feast of work and peace,
For the last time at the Bright Brother's Feast
The barbaric lira!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna