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Well it was))

Revenge of rape victim: burned the rapist
defua, 7 July 2016
The comments:

As if he had asked for it himself. He was wearing such lightweight clothes.
If he didn’t want to be burned, he would have stayed at home.
He probably drank that night, and alcohol makes you easily exposed to fire and flame.
“Why didn’t he stop, didn’t fall and didn’t start to ride on the floor? I had to fall and ride on the floor. He probably secretly wanted to burn.
If you read the article, the eyewitnesses say that he bought a lighter that day before. He must have burned himself and just lied about it. It is so typical.
He just needed to relax and have fun. These are just warm hugs. (Here is a game of words, kindling means both excitement and incitement. It is difficult to translate into Russian.)
We need to start teaching people to wear only fire-resistant clothes and always wear a fire extinguisher. For their safety.
It is his parents’ fault. They had to teach him what kind of fire-resistant clothes a young man should wear at such a young age.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna