— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Since recently, the four-year-old son has been preferring to read a book for him at night, not me, but his older sister - her 13.

Well, I’m just happy... She read until eight in the evening, then when the second was born and grown up two read. Sometimes everyone in turn. He told them more stories than an adult.

I read loudly without exaggeration – I would like the audio books to sound – with intonation, in the faces, with pauses in the right places, with the right emphasis... And she reads smoothly and without expression. He is constantly mistaken. My son prefers her.

Last night, after a long reading, the daughter comes out tortured and goes to wash. I decided to praise her and encourage her, “You’re so good, dear. Danny prefers to listen to you rather than me. You are reading great!”

She stopped and looked at me as an adult with sad eyes. And she said in a tone that they say to a non-sensitive child: "I know that I read badly, where you are worse. And you really don’t understand why he likes listening to me and not you?” - I wrapped my head confused - "Yes, for all the 12 years that I am reading books to him now, I have never read it to the end! You always fall asleep before us. You never know how the story will end.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna