— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The summer. The heat. I move along the houses - shadow like nothing. A cat comes out of the basement. A sports booster, pulling off the back of the body, follows along the basement. It reaches the next window in the basement and runs there by commanding bass:"Maf,Maf,Mayaaff". (I translate - all by standing "smile"). The basement is empty, loud. "Not otherwise Colonel" I thought. "What is his voice on "Citizen"? I call it the "Big ". To me, the most gentle creature in the world turns the mouse - the eyes with a rope, the eyebrows with a cottage and the voice of a milk goat comes out - "Myajajajajajaja". A good partisan – I thought – is not in vain pursuing...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna