— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am a feminist, average communication with guys:
I am against the mandatory army for men, against the fact that you have a higher retirement age, against the fact that you can be exploited at work and at home only on the basis of your gender.
You are an exception! All feminists fucking, you are the only one for men, all the others want to exterminate and castrate us!!! to
Do you know a lot of feminists?
“No, but there was an article on the internet about an American woman who wants to exterminate men, I just know that all feminists are like that! You are lying to me that you are not against men. You, like all feminists, only think of yourself, you don’t care how men suffer!

After such a topic of feminism with the male sex I do not even discuss, let them believe in the fairy tales about evil feminists - devil-cannibals, although I have 95% of my acquaintances feminists against the army and other manifestations of sexism towards men.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna