— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

Brazil covers most of the continent.

We borrowed, we do not know.
Half cannot be larger or smaller. Half is when one part is in the past of the whole, absolutely equal to the other part.
And more or less can only be part or share!>>>

Like the concept of an entire number, the concept of a fraction was not created immediately. The idea of “half” arose much earlier than of “third” and “fourth”, and of these latter – earlier than of fractures with other denominators.
The antiquity of the concept of “half” is attested by the fact that in all languages it has a special name, not derived from the word “two”. The expression “big half”, “lesser half”, “half-lived”, “half-bad” and so on. It shows that the word “half” originally meant one of two parts (not necessarily equal to each other).

Profit))))) learn the history of mathematics)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna