— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The entrance where I bought my first apartment looked peculiar.

As the brother-in-law said - "entry is normal, but it's early on the march and the syringe is hit in the shit - it's a strong installation"

In addition to my, there were three other apartments for sale. The house, by the way, is good, the ceilings are high, brick... And the tenants are normal – it just happened historically that the alkashi and narki sold their apartments to the agency and left, and the habit of the area to roll in the entrance – remained. The agency solved the problem simply: they gave the crew of the PPSnikov a couple of thousands,

They climbed up to the fifth floor every night – and all who were not locals – knocked on their backs with their oaks. Repeat after 4 hours. Two months and I don’t know.

As the hostess said - the situation is normal, the cost is not much - and then it is much easier to sell.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna