— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The supermarket is almost empty, but it is worth weighing. I approach and it immediately becomes clear what the matter is - "Selpo" has changed the interface of the weights. Now the buyer is asked in the search line to enter the name of the product instead of choosing one from the long list, as it was before. While the girl is unsuccessfully beating over her "bowling", the confusion in the turn grows, and I am heading to other weights, which have only one male - maybe he has vegetables easier. But no, his shortcuts are not on the list of results either. I decided to help him with advice, and I said, “Maybe it’s a potato? Try it.” It worked, something knocked me into the outlet (this was gratitude or outrage I did not understand), he goes to the box office.

By gathering statistics on queries, the supermarket has the ability to enrich the dictionary and force the app to recognize and correct minor common errors, but I would prefer another way – let the app with an electronic voice offend the buyer: “Bonan? seriously? Are you really dumb?“”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna