— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In our family, I am in a decree with three children, and there are days when everything is fine, everything is cleaned, lunch and dinner is prepared, and there is a time when I call my husband and warn him to buy food himself. And he goes taking fruits, ingredients for sandwiches, pizza or ready-made chicken, or quickly cooking an egg or fried potatoes. He eats himself, feeds everyone and gives me rest. And yes, in such a family to quietly wash dishes or sit in the toilet is also considered a rest.
Of course, like all living people, it happens that we argue, but so far we treat each other with respect and love there are no problems. Our relationship is 15 years old, from early studenthood. And there were problems, but it seems to me that the thing is that he and I, grew up in normal, full families, where parents do not shake the rights, and solve problems and live, raise children with love.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna