— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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dismissed from work. I decided to start working as a content manager so to say for myself. For the test he submitted an announcement on one of the tables of revelations. Call in two days.

Are you a content manager?

How can I help you?

We need to add products to the store, can you?

Yes of course.

is excellent. Where have you worked before?

I name the offices and the duration of work.

Do you work as a freelancer recently?

Yes, it is true.

Why do you know how much it costs to fill the store?

We can discuss this with you if you are pleased with my candidacy.

- Let's do so, you fill me the store, and there we'll see if your work is worth paying.

It will not go. I can make you a test assignment, or five or six positions on the site for free, and there see if our cooperation is worth it.

I know more than you who are freelancers. And freelancers first work, and then we customers see if they can pay you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna