— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We had a colleague in our office, we’ll call him Kirill. He used to "shoot" cigarettes from me, initially a couple of times a week, but over time more and more often, to the point that he had no cigarettes for weeks. This continued for three months. Then I began to appear in the office less and less often (working on the facilities) and already started to forget this feature of Kirill, if not the case in the corporate.

Half a year later, we had a pre-New Year corporation. I go out on the street to smoke, and Kirill comes out with me, naturally "shooting" a cigarette. The second, third, fourth overdose - the situation repeats. I go out for the fifth time, but this time I left a package on the table in the cafe, and I took only one cigarette with me, which I told Cyril. When he heard this, he made an unhappy face and said, "Well, I'll have to smoke my own," and got almost a full package of Winston. After that incident, I didn’t have a cigarette for him, and I turned out to be a mess.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna