— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In connection with Divanostrach counted at work:

From Men :
Feed the fish once. I don’t work here once. Help to move twice. I brought you coffee twice. You want to smoke twice. Go eat, my here turned - 1 time. What about techno? I can’t see it – twice.
From the women:
I didn’t work twice. Please bring it once. You can take your milk three times.
I bought milk once. There are your favorite cakes with a discount, I took - 1 time (the money was not taken, I offered). Hold the light, it will fall now - once. I’ve given you coffee three times.
I’ll share a sandwich once. You will beat twice. Whoever wants a cake – 1 time. Admin, I have FTP failed, and there work - 1 time. I broke three letters at the request of the administrator (he knew that the FTP had collapsed and I pulled him away) 1 time (the whole department smoked).
How does this all translate into a fractured equivalent and who owes to whom?
How to count it all into a fractal equivalent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna