— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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So, the process of obtaining a new drink by Zwirblis was as follows. At first, an old piano was found on the landfill near the house. In the mid-sixties it was easy to do - moving to new small-sized apartments, many dropped old tools. The piano foot, released from the lacquer, was transformed into pins, which were sprayed with salic acid and placed in a dryer to release the bound polyphenols. Then the pebbles were extracted with alcohol in the apparatus of Soxlet. The resulting extract was diluted with water to the desired degree, filtered and irradiated in a quartz cube with a high-pressure mercury lamp. Through rigorous experiments, they found that one hour of radiation is equivalent to a year of exposure. I tried this drink myself. Both the taste and smell of it was like a well-preserved cognac.
With the departure from our laboratory in Gvirblis to the editorial office of the journal “Chemistry and Life” all these experiments ceased. And sorry...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna