— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend of a programmer told me. He works in a small office, where he, the boss, and a couple of personalities of questionable orientation, such as a carpenter, designer, etc. He and the boss do coding accordingly. The office is quite successful, everything with money, especially the boss. The boss, like a terrible autistic programmer, always goes to lunch alone in various business centers nearby. On one (not)beautiful day, a new employee is hired, or more precisely, the employee is hired. And the employee, don’t be stupid, put an eye on the boss and let him go for lunch. She was, by the way, very sympathetic. However, the boss was deeply concerned about this, for him, his inner world was important. But I could not send the employee, day by day everything was dark and dark, the lines of code were not written anymore. He was also dismissed as a noble man. Then he had a clever plan. I called this friend himself and said, "That way, give friendship, let me pay you a premium every month, and you Anka (suppose she was called Anka) with truths and lies for lunch." A friend cried out that it was generally a good option to cut off the money and began to take care of the employee. Flowers, candy, and so came to the joint lunch. Currently married, 2 children. I forgot to ask if the boss still pays him the prize for keeping Anka away from him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna