— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Deciding to leave a child or not should a woman, the man then just struck, and that's all.
But only the baby was born immediately begins "You what, you thought only injected and all?and "

And according to our laws to refuse alimony he can not, even if before that they signed a written agreement that the woman will not demand alimony. It turns out, a man is responsible for a woman’s decision, if it’s not sexism, then what?

Do not spit! A business...
Divided the mess, as if on the closed site of the club of billionaires are sitting, and all women only dream of you to give birth. He does not want to take any preventive measures in principle, and then his decision does not please the woman. Sexism is definitely sexism.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna