— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My driver told me this story. He served in the Soviet times in the army in Moldova. The military unit was located near a large village, so it was quite boring to go to the dismissal.

But this is not the point.

My friend and I went to the shop in the morning. There are two men who come to us and ask:

Soldiers, buy us wine! The locals don’t sell us here, they’ll sell you. Here you have a three-liter bank and money - and three rubles. “Won,” they say, “can be purchased in that house!

My friend and I go into the yard.

Lord, we say, will you not sell us the wine?

Show the bank with money. The man said something to his wife, she carries cups of wine and three cups of healthy. The man ordered this bank to hide, he poured wine into our cups, he drank with us and did not take the money. We go out with an empty bank.

Not sold here! We are talking.

Come into this house! You can buy there. Men are shaking from the Bodong. We enter the second house. There is a woman of forty years, washing in the yard. She saw us with the bank and cried:

Oh guys, my son is also in the army, so what are you standing, let’s get to the table! He gave us food and drinks for free. We get out of there... The red mouths are already in both...

We do not sell wine here. We are talking. The men changed their faces.

You are drunk! They scream – we see!

Well, so fill - it fills! Selling is not selling! They gave them a bank and three rubles and went on...This is the story.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna