— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My babulancy called me and said that Sashenka is coming to the city, he is going to act. She asked to pick up a man at the station and temporarily shelter him in the parent’s apartment. My job is just to bring it to the door, and there the grandmother will do it herself, so that I don’t get distracted. I have agreed. Why not help.

Now a little about Sasha.

In my distant and careless childhood, my parents often brought me to my grandmother for the summer. As a child I was sociable, but all the guys were five years older than me and did not have the desire to argue with the little things in my face. But I was lucky that year, because there was Sashenka. A brittle little girl, two years younger than me. Her parents moved to the village for some reason. That summer was the funniest for me, but it was the last summer I spent in the village. Then I went to the first class, and my grandmother was taken to the city, as her health deteriorated rapidly. The house sold.

And I come to the station, I go to the car, I think what a cute lady she grew up. I look at a girl with bright hair, and here I cry out:

and Ol!

But it was not a woman’s voice, and the Nifiga was not a woman’s voice. To meet me from the car goes a healthy light-haired child under 190 centimeters in height.

Long time not seen!

Please forgive me? ... →

I am Sasha.

In general, I have no idea why as a child I was sure that I was communicating with a five-year-old short hairy girl named Sashenka. And why this "girl" even played with me several times in dolls. But now Sashenka came to enter the heat power plant.

I thought that only happens in the cinema.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna