— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the 11th grade, all the boys were taken to the shooting field. Each was given a Kalashnikov machine machine and 9 bullets in a horn. I came to school on the appointed day, dreaming of finally holding a weapon in my hands.

We were gathered at 8: 50 on the street near the school waiting for the bus to take us to the field. I decided to quickly run to the dining room and drink a glass of compot. I come in 5 minutes and there is no one. I cursed my delay. A boy from the 9th grade is riding over me.

I could not miss this opportunity. What to do? He ran to a nearby military station.

Where are the shootings?

About 40 kilometers from the city.

- # and % # and %! ! to ! to

- We now "rafic" will go in that direction, recruits in another city will be lucky. Sit down with them.

I was landed on the highway and told to go out on the other side 10 kilometers on the fields.

And I ran. On the way I met a shepherd, and he adjusted my path.

When he saw me, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

I was able to shoot from the shell.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna