— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sunday and evening. I wanted to rest my body and soul.

He dug up on the internet a serial, jumped, cooked a cup of fragrance puer. But it wasn’t there.

Phone call from an unknown person. I take the phone, I say “olle”. At the end, the girl is frightened and throws the phone.

He calls back in a couple of minutes, I pick up the phone again and this time I say so long: “Daaaaaaaa? “” It is silent. Breathe in the tube. He hangs the phone.

There are 5 minutes. The call again. Again from the same number. I take the phone and say, “Girl, don’t be embarrassed, once you call, talk to me! “” He is silent, breathing in the tube. I said, “Well, let me start first. Is this your name? “”

He is silent first, then he says, “Young man, I need Serge.”

I say to her, “Well, you’ve been lucky today, I’m just Sergei! “” He breathes in the tube again, silent. I say to her, “Well, you see, I have introduced myself. Maybe you can also introduce yourself? “” First he breathes into the tube, then he says, “Young man, I tell you, I need Sergey! “” I say to her, “Girl, that’s me! Let us get to know soon! “”

The girl, almost screaming at the phone: "Why are you shaking my head! Call Sergey on the phone. “” I answer her in a calm, polite tone: “Don’t call anyone, I’m already here! “”

The girl goes on to shout, “Yes, you are deceiving me! ! to ! to You are not Sergei. ! to ! to “” I say to her, calmly and confidently, “Girl, come to visit me. I’ll drink tea and show you my passport. I assure you, I am exactly the one I pretend to be. And I say with full confidence: I am Sergei.”

The girl snooped badly, and almost whispered in the bell: “You... I do not know. You... let’s bluff! ! to ! to You are not that Sergei. ! to ! to You are blowing my head with your tea! The Fucks! ! to ! to You are a cheerleader! ! to ! to The fucking goat! ! to ! to “” He dropped the phone.

That night the stranger called me no more. and sorry. I liked it. It was fun.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna