— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Take your mom in the hole! What a Frenchman the hell knows how many years ago our girls wrapped the boxes to carry, what he complained about in space, and sent. I need to move the closet. But a naphira? If Seroga’s husband+neighbor was chasing for spilled beer much more efficiently? and faster. A child I and 20 kilograms of weight can lift, and even carry, but not for a long time, and not sleeping.For small missing, but already heavy children, special devices for carrying have been invented. A bag of potatoes will be delivered. Do you want to help the girl pull the box? Therefore, it is inappropriate to irritate the weak sex. Speak straight - we are weak, weak, we cannot lift anything heavier than a glass. Women can do it themselves. The question is, who is the weak sex?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna