— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My neighbor drove me out of the village this weekend. He took his grandmother to town, and we too. At first he told me that his cat was missing, three days did not appear. Then he went on to watch a television show about how Americans chiped cats in the USSR so that they could listen to what Soviet residents said in the kitchen. But don’t take into account, fools-Americans, that the cat walks on its own! Okay, we smiled with his grandmother and looked around, but then he switched to another topic. The chip! You know we’ll all be chipped soon! Our brains will not belong to us. It all starts in 18 months, in 17 years (???And we will rot these chips alive. INN is just the beginning of experience. We have already started to open c it. I said that after a year and a half from the FMS for the papers that need to be collected in order to get a paper for the paper, I agree that these chips should be implanted in every place they want. He started screaming that we were brainwashed, we are already zombies, and he will never go to chip. He spoke as if the chip had been pushed into his ass. They reassured him, they said that in a state that is based on corruption, this will never be done.
by 12:33:47
This person works as deputy director of the firm, rides on a new lexus, just built a two-storey mansion next to us, his annual income is around two million. I am afraid to live in this society.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna