— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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HH: Let me explain the principle briefly. The natural task of males is to transmit their genes further, the natural task of females is to choose to transfer genes better. The male, in order to meet the requirements, must be the most attainable in all that is extremely rare and generates alpha males, which are five percent of the total population. Since alpha is small, and survival in the modern world is not a trivial task, females have to pay attention to the remaining 95 percent of the gray mass, which is ready for anything, only to get closer to the promising goal of transferring genes. In addition, alpha and alpha, its task is to conceive offspring, and then let the female understand itself. Therefore, the ideal option is a scheme in which children are conceived from the alpha and hanged on the neck of the most successful of the finds. As a result, the alpha has done its job, the female is also happy, and the loch, which is given once a month on weekends, pays for it all.

WOW: You are not right! There is love and feelings! It doesn’t matter what he is, only if he is loved!

Lena, you have been married twice and have two children, but none of your husbands is the father of your children. You are a walking proof of this theory.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna