— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was about 6-8 years old, I don’t remember exactly. In winter, I stayed home alone and lived in the village. Parents at work. I went for a walk at home. There were huge burials and I decided to make a cave. He took his shovel and began to dig the snow into the depths, wanted to dope to the ground. He dug for a long time but still reached her. The pit turned out to be deep and vertical... With little thought, I jumped there with a soldier (pressing my hands to the body) and just entered there, it was fun, one head twisted over the cradle. And then I realized I couldn’t move... I tried to get out for 10 minutes, but all without success. I buried myself in the neck... Here I realized that I had puzzles and I began to scream like a rage and scream))) When my parents came from work, a couple of hours later, my dad got me out of there. Pizduel from his parents did not get when he told me what happened... Apparently they thought that I, the fool, and so Mother Nature punished nicky...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna