— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My father has a hobby – he writes little stories, mostly about me. Once in the class asked to write a composition on the last book I read, I decided not to shudder and chose my favorite story of my father. My dad wanted me to be a writer, and I chose physics. The idea of the work is that if your children do not want to do what you advise them, they need to be supported and helped in their endeavors. As you already guessed for the composition got a three, because I did not understand the essence. I went to understand how the work made sense in the conflict of generations, honestly, I don't know where it came from, because there the idea of the story is written in black and white. I struggled a long time, and eventually got 2 for the composition. The next day I brought my father, you would see her face when she realized that the story was about me. I didn’t get any worse literature assessments.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna