— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You can develop his thought - it is necessary to cut everything and the men, and all conceptions through the test tube. After all, in women, sexual arousal on the same organ is not bound, and the whole skin is not cut, in men, on the contrary, in pants, the main arousal is concentrated.

Studies of female organisms, including circumcised, showed that a woman without a clitoris and small lips is not able to experience pleasure in principle. That is never. Nothing at all. There is concentrated most (in 50% of women - even all) of the nerve endings, allowing to experience excitement.
Only the cutting of the clitoral cap is safe (an analogue of the male extremity), but this is limited to extremely rarely. The most often completely cut off the clitoris and lips - and this is actually castration. And sometimes they go further and just knock it all down. The man then goes into the bedroom with a knife. Putting the road...
There is nothing to say about the lack of hygiene in the process and infections afterwards.

It is scary actually. Even worse, there are still blurries who consider this to be the norm, and even require that all others submit to this norm. In a normal country, this fool would be jailed for inciting, inciting and organizing mass crimes. But our intestines are thin. Sounds day and that’s all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna