— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We return with friends from fishing late in the evening, the road was chosen little busy but it is shorter than 15 kilometers. Around the middle of the road, the rear wheel was pierced. We had a reserve, but there was no key. We are standing, trying to stop someone asking for a key for a few minutes. But the road is not so lively, one car passes every 15-20 minutes. We vote, but all pass without stopping. You can understand them, there are 5 men, at night, in such a deaf. But we are upset, and the problem is nonsensical. And then, after three hours of waiting, a penny slows, a man looks out the window and says:

- guys, judging by the downgraded wheel, you need a pump, a reserve, a locker or a key, I have nothing of this with me unfortunately!

Why stopped then? ? to ? to

- so that you don't think I'm another Gandon who has gone by and hasn't even stopped.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna