— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am the author of the source

He was born in 65 in a small working village. We had a phone at home and needed to tell the telephone worker which number to call - I was five years old, as I remember now. You had nothing at the end of the 90s. Are you from the planet Earth?

The place of action - Striezhova, founded in 66, lived a family in a shelter for the watchmen. Phone one on the 9th floor at the guard for an emergency - call an ambulance, for example. Placing phones in the rooms was allowed, somewhere at 00h, when the rooms could already be privatized. Most of the friends lived in similar conditions and had no phones.
p.s There are now corners on the planet where there is no connection, it does not depend on the year.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna