— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They need...

I have a good friend, let’s call him Serge. Good in every sense of the word. Despite the fact that he holds a fairly good position (not public), he still remains a simple, kind and responsive person, both with his employees and with other people.

Not far from us there is a large food market in two floors and there for a month was a lottery lottery, for every 200 rubles of purchase was issued one lottery ticket. Half you broke and threw into a special box, the other left with you. The prizes were not exactly what, but the superprizes were a smart TV, a laptop and a mobile phone. That day the lottery results were released and the winning numbers were displayed.

We didn’t go to the live joke – it’s not interesting. We watched our results on the website of the organizers, on the list. I, of course, won nothing, not even a shit wreath got me, but as usual) I am not surprised. And Serega one ticket "shoot" and of course in the tenth, he won the television. They laughed that this is a lucky guy, the television doesn’t really need him. Why is it 32 inches when the movie theater is full? But fortune considered that Serege still needed a TV, and you can't argue with her.

I decided to go to this store to get a cognac to wash luck. At the entrance they also displayed a stand with a list of winning numbers. They got out of the store and stood up smoking, and next to the stand was a middle-aged woman with two children. Clothes are not to be very poor, but it can be seen that they have a wealth below the average. She put a bag next to her, she has ten tickets in her hands, she thoughtfully shakes her lips and checks the numbers. The children are quietly standing and not breathing watching her. We hear the boy very quietly, as if he is afraid to scare luck with his lips:

Mother of the TV? See also.

The woman looked at the child, but said nothing. In the other hand, her daughter pulled her sleeves:

Didn’t you win? Can we buy something ourselves? Look at again.

The woman looked at the numbers, on the stand and nodded her head negatively. I see Seregah approached them so closely and through his shoulder as if he was staring at the stand. I think he has nothing to do? I have already checked everything. He looked at her and then turned to the woman with a smile:

Was not lucky? The phone wanted the kids, probably – and flashes them.

The woman smiles:

Everyone is asking for television. Our old has broken. I won’t buy it, her smile was sad.

Multiple to watch. Mom at work until night, at home alone bored, - the children spoke, alive, but not fun.

It’s okay to be sad! Serenity – Everything happens in life.

Suddenly he points to the bag:

You have a ticket in your bag, and it may have fallen. Checked it out? Maybe he is your happy one? To the kids, good luck! He took me under the elbow and whispered, “Go.”

We walked away a few steps, as we heard from behind, across the street, the piercing whisper of joy of the children. I looked at Sergei:

“They need more,” he smiled and we, without speaking, added a step.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna