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She did not work alone, Watson and Crick deserved their prize. The whole department worked, and only the boss received the prize - is it also deserved or how?

In the scientific environment, not the announcement of a fact is valued, but the scientific justification of this fact. Franklin was not involved in the development of the scientific apparatus under this discovery, which took almost 10 years. It is the establishment of the fact in this case that is important. The explanation is secondary. Today one theory, tomorrow another.
The Nobel Prize is not awarded posthumously, such are the rules, by the time she was 4 years dead, but neither Watson nor Crick mentioned her contribution to the common cause. I did not see any mention of Franklin in a single book on DNA during my universe studies. These two comrades are everywhere. By the way, the work of the group of Linus Poling, who came to similar conclusions a little later than Watson-Crik in textbooks were written, but not about Franklin. Why this?
Acceptance of honorary members, the installation of busts and memorial boards began in 1982.Ok, not in the 21st century, but only 30 years after his death. But do you admit that for those 30 years she was forgotten and her contribution ignored?

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