— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ]
Recently, in a commentary to the movie on one of the distant trackers:
My friend Anton highly recommended. Let us see.
2: O_o... well if Anton himself polemized then I download without any doubts
Everyone knows that Antha has a great taste. I need to push, for sure.
4 is fucking. I know Antoine too. I go.
5 The Comrades! Anton insisted not to mention his name. :)
6 of O! I am not the only one who knows Anton.
I liked the movie, someone find out from Anton what else is good to see.
I also have Anton.
9: I don’t know Anton, but I’m happy to jump and watch for the third time!!! to
I don’t know Anton!! But... I also jump because it intrigued the resume of the film....
11: Bl..y, why doesn't anyone say that Anton recommended the film? and? That changes everything!See all of them!!! to
12: I don't know how to push or not, someone give an anton number I want to clarify what
13: Maybe Antonha will also get up for the distribution, or there is no speed (
14: I read all the comments and in the process I only download the film from Antonhi. Don’t fool Anton.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna