— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It depends on the person, you know.
Usually yes, the baby will be offered not to work - she will run the application for dismissal to write, riding the tapes
And for me, for example, all these traditional values to one place, I adore my work, and no excuses of my husband will make me resign and do borsches.
so yes, not only those who initially didn’t want to work, and not whom the husband (oh fool!) "forced" to sit at home

What was the white coat? Not a trick? You are all fools, you are the queen.
And my former colleague, for example, has a different story. She was a good specialist. Worked on conscience. But then I got married - and at first glance it seemed like a man. Anne is not. A child was born, and a year and a half later she went to work. And everybody cries that at home there is thirst, but the husband is angry - "because he is angry," insists that he should sit at home. No day is a scandal. I broke, I couldn’t stand it. I went to the housewives. Well, six years later, of course, the bridegroom swinged to the younger baby, leaving her with the child, without money and with a giant break in the internship, with the need to restore qualification. From Dorothy, right? You would be in her place, right?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna