— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A man alone in our village decided to do business: he had chickens in his barracks and sold eggs. Ecologically clean production, no chemicals and antibiotics, only grass and cereals feeds, etc. In general, not what is in the store!

And the customers dropped, the eggs are bought like hot cakes! Who is ten, who is two. They come from their neighbors, from their neighbors.

There is really one disadvantage - eggs, sorry, in a chicken blend. Well, you know, this is not a poultry factory! Right from the chicken. The price is 3-4 times higher than in the store. As they say, health is not spared.

Overall, the customer is satisfied. Business is developing.

But as in any successful business, there is its "know-how", which soon many learned: he buys eggs at the farm, packs in the field and sells already at a new price as environmentally friendly products.

As they found out. Not five chickens can lay several dozen eggs a day.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna