— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I don’t know how you and I perceive all this story – that some wild, naive people, funny politicians, funny wars, Vladimir Red Sunsets, Trojan Wars, dumb princes who cannot unite before the invasion, wild Tatar Mongols... And in fact, people were – not dumber than us. And the Tatar-Mongols seized the empire with a mail, in which the shipment from China to Moscow went no longer than shorts, or at least not with less guarantee of delivery, and to travel throughout the empire could be without fear of robbery. And the intrigues under Godunov were not duller than under Yeltsin, but they killed too, hardly more. I don't know how, but I, for some reason, have the perception that in the 17th century all naive and stupid, and in the 13th German knights walk as pigs, there would be no rebuilding. At the same time, the Romans heracled long-lasting roads, and water pipelines and colonization were conducted no worse than Spain with England. I don’t think our ancestors were stupid, they just didn’t have phones. And from this they were even smarter - organizing an organization without organizers is cool.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna