— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was a child, my mother enrolled me in music school. I was recorded on clarinet. I met a young teacher who graduated, and possibly even studied at the Conservatory. I came to the first class, tried to get the right sounds, the teacher gave some recommendations for training at home. My mom decided to call him, ask about the schedule of classes or something else.

When my mother called, there was the same mother on the other end of the wire, only my teacher. She that Andrei (Vadim, Igor, I don’t remember) can’t answer, because. He is sleeping now. They said goodbye... I didn’t go to the teacher for classes anymore, and I didn’t go to the music school at all... When I asked my mom why I couldn’t go to classes anymore, she said, “I called him, he was asleep, and only addicts are asleep in the afternoon.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna