— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Beating people is unacceptable.
The problem is that when we acknowledge this obvious fact, the number of open hands will not decrease. Thus, people who are looking for such relationships will find them.
And the way out for them in the current reality is one – to realize the incorrectness of the “morda” and correct it.

Self-awareness of this and "correction" is a feat, such as Munchhausen pulled himself out of the swamp for a bowl. Therefore, once in a while, in large letters, from every utyug, we will repeat: "To beat people is unacceptable". I want to help those who are stuck in this swamp. Do you hear? You cannot be beaten! No one and never. go to go. Do not wait, it may be too late.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna