— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To better understand what I am talking about, I will make a small retreat. I work in school. I don’t know how in other cities, but in our every month the management of education allocates a fund for incentive payments to each school. And this fund is already divided by the school administration itself between employees and among themselves, of course.

Now the story itself. For the last six months I worked for a naked salary (7580), which, of course, did not please me. I constantly reminded the director once a week that I would like more, especially because I care for myself and for that guy. The manager has one answer – no money. Well, what our lookout for 4 months from their incentive loan in half-lamas closed - fige. Here, a new director was placed in the neighboring school, who immediately offered me to go to her team. Immediately offered a salary of 2.5 times higher and a guaranteed incentive in the amount of salary. Naturally I agreed. I knew, of course, that the current director would be very dissatisfied with my resignation, but it exceeded my expectations!

Director: Are you leaving us?

I : I am leaving.

D: Not well, of course, the director of that school enters, the staff is seducing.

I: No one is changing. She offered me three or five times more.

D: And what then? If she hadn’t offered you such a job, you would still have worked for it!

I didn’t even have words to parade. However, if there was some sadness because of leaving this school, it completely evaporated.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna