— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I cannot write:
How long will you drag young children to movies 16+ and above? You don’t want your kids to grow up as psychopaths, but you drag an eight-year-old child into an adult movie. There is nakedness, blood and violence on the screen. But it does not stop you!
a few years ago in theaters was such a movie "muwi 43", I do not remember what was the rating, but the movie is very cool and very funny. And here despite the rating some couple of young parents decided to go to this movie with the child. Even the administrators came to them late, who explained very convincingly that there was no place for the child here. But these minors with hygiatry said that modern children are already aware of everything and nothing terrible will happen to the child.
But when the movie began (if I’m not mistaken, in one story Hugh Jackman appeared with eggs on his neck, in another the bridegroom wanted to smite the bride, etc.) this hearing was already quieter and more modest. They did not sit until the end of the film.
To be honest, I even what they dropped.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna