— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The fool may give him the questionnaire to fill up with your idiotic questions. What is the difference between who and how? What else to ask, favorite children’s books? Should you also be interested in the behavior of the pedestrians?
What does this have to do with whether or not he cares about the child?

Oh, you are wrong here. About the attitude to the LGBT can be asked - if it splashes saliva "Pidars on the reyu" - there is a high probability that the specimen is simultaneously chauvinist and misogyn. And it would be an honor to leave grandmother and children without a spade. At least statistically so is it. In principle, I know a couple of fierce homophobes who care for their offspring. But it's obvious that it's up to the first "cossack" of their aunts: the gentlemen don't hide that the ex-wife = former children.
So maybe a test and not bad...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna