— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend told the police officer.

I come to the department – the people rget. What is it, I ask. Yes, they say, Lena the pervert was bound. So it’s in the OEP, what are the perverse ones there? And we have to say Lena, we have a major, such a strong grandmother, not married (the crocodile). I ask how? Yes, after lunch I went back through the park, May month, green, beautiful. Lena in a light coat from the top of the shape, sat in the air to breathe. And literally in a minute the man was painted. He sat down on the neighboring bench and looked at Lena with pleasure. And then the stitches broke up and let’s shake. She looks at Lena and smiles – the cow catches. Lena turned away, but did not break, although someone is excited by her. Here the man interrupted so and not finished, stuck and straight to Lena. And immediately says to her in the forehead, saying if she doesn't want to go home to him and get overwhelmed. Here Lena thought strongly, the man is a splinter, in a jump to her shoulder, it will get well, but... spring, you understand, it happens, and the police major wants sex.

She seemed to have agreed, but then the man broke up and whispered: "Look, goat, it is terrible as death, and it breaks like a whole! »

In vain he said it. Lena turned him and called the dress.

But the mutual happiness of spontaneous sex was so close...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna