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on the forum discussion of laughing dogs all day in the neighbor's apartment

XXX: Tell a Story
My mother has a dog.
She was taken to guard the garden with her mother, as she often disappeared there alone.
Fuchs lived there in the summer, and in the winter in the city.
In the winter, the whole day in the absence of the mother oral the whole house, because (apparently) from childhood to loneliness was not used to.
In general, came out of a position who may seem cruel, but effective - a device was acquired that is attached to the collar and heracles the dog with electricity if he laughs.
The first time a whistle is spread
second time hive - whisper louder and longer
The third time - Herax
Very quickly our dog learned to loathe in this device (maximum one time limited, he heard the sound and stuck)

YYY: Is it the same, but for a woman?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna