— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I studied in class 6. He was a decent shit, an outstanding athlete and the joy of his parents, even beer has never tried and what condoms are needed for did not know. As soon as I came home after school, no one was at home, I called my father to work and said that I was going to the cinema with my classmates, I will be in the evening. And now a classmate will come to me to finish a math task, and then we will all go to the cinema together.

The youth came and did the lesson. Time before the movie was left and I made an omelette, in the process of cooking one egg broke a curly hand past the bowl. Without a back-thinking thought, he took a dirty kitchen towel, wiped it out, and threw it into dirty underwear. Then we all go to the cinema, walk around the houses.

Nothing predicted trouble for me. But when I come home, my father meets me and says I need to talk seriously.

They put me in the kitchen with my parents a very strict look, I am all on betrayal, what I did. Thoughts revolve in my head, or no, they learned about the trio in Russian (at the time it was the most serious crush that could be imagined) But here begins an absolutely incomprehensible monologue from my parents - about what, boys, girls, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys and boys. After 20 minutes, which seemed an eternity to me, Mom gets a slicked towel. The most stupid dialogue follows. I still don’t understand what the problem is.

Cyril, what is it? (Showed on the towel)

About the towel.

What is on him?

The egg broke accidentally.

How broke it?

- Well so, with Yulia omelette made and accidentally missed, had to wipe with a towel

With Julia? The omelet? (I think my father looked at me respectfully at that moment, but I’m not sure.)

Well yes. I was hungry. There was nothing in the refrigerator.

What omelette do I eat? The chicken eggs?

Well, what other eggs do we have?

And here it comes to them. My father begins to laugh. Mom smiles uncomfortable. I didn’t talk to my parents about sex.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna