— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two fingers on asphalt.

// 1 How do fools pull someone somewhere? Fucking someone in front of you, then yes, he’s rather a crazy extreme, and he’s waiting for his wife to tell.

There is such a man in the seats, but op-pa! Not with his wife, not alone, but with a left-handed woman. Hihanki with her hahanki, then together to the toilet will crash, then under the table they foot each other, as if nothing is visible. He takes such a person to the side then and says, “Well, you are this, my not tell, okay?” You feel hatred and idiot every time you cross with his wife. I stopped inviting him to visit and to go to him, so the next time he met his wife asked me what I experienced, said, Borenka in confusion, how can you not forget friends. He told her to ask her husband, turned and left. He’ll hang her on her ears, I’m violet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna