— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What if Putin’s shoes were thrown in? It would be shown on all the channels in the world! 10 to 20 times a day. and what? Imagine yourself...
Vladimir Vladimirovich surrounded by heads of state. Nothing predicts trouble... Here from a bunch of reporters pops out a crazy American with the screams "Save the Georgia" throwing a butt on the ex-president... Everyone is slowing sharply, Putin slowly turns his head, looks at the flying shoe in his direction, a light smile, barely distinguishable laughter... A little forward, pushing away nearby people, so that they don’t get hit, begins to bend in the back "Alla Neo", turning away from the shoe, jumps under it, throws in the direction of the targeting (still slow shooting), intercepts with his hand in the flight of the second shoe, throws it into the owner, falling exactly between the eyes, in a few steps overcomes the distance that distances him from the offender... a series of fast, barely distinguishable strikes... the enemy flies through the whole hall... crashes into the wall... breaks it... and flies out on that side, falling without feeling on the floor. (the camera is working normally again) Vladimir Vladimirovich is straight, gets his jacket, repairs the folds... He turns to the affected crowd and pronounces ‘Brutality’...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna