— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Super-positive emotions are children in the playground. Almost an empty playground. No noise or gamma. Unusually quiet. Only two children. A boy of five years old, enthusiastically composed of strands of different length led only him one figure, and the girl - a little older and clearly more active.

It revolves around the boy. It looks like he wants to get acquainted, but he doesn’t notice her, focused on his models of aircraft (?) He creeps and puts prunes on the sand.
The girl is initiative and entrepreneurial. She, like a monkey, cleverly climbs to the very top of the turnik, clings her legs to the curtain, turns down her head and, apparently, wanting to hit him in the very heart, cries to the boy:

Look how I can!

The boy quietly moves a couple of prunes, completing the project of some parallel piped, raises his head, looks closely at the pleased acrobat and says:

I am smart!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna