— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At 4th grade, our university signed a contract with a small university in the states. Under this contract you can go to the states, study there, but at the same time you are in your native university and even as if you were studying (as if, because when you arrived after the semester, everyone was fooled). Plus, you can translate all the subjects that we have already passed and get a BBA pretty quickly. My husband and I decided, why not? An interesting experience. The story here will be about one story, there was a lot of things, but I will start with this.

We had a fairly interesting e-commerce subject, the subject is very adequate, which is interesting in German. Once he says I divide you into groups of 3 people, work together, do research and presentation (it was necessary to choose any company that is engaged in e-commerce, twist the annual reports on certain parameters, make a presentation). In our group was me, my boyfriend, a black girl. We met after classes in the library, decided which company to choose, divided all three, who does what. We agreed to meet a couple of times a week at a convenient time. All this time, this coal, as we called them, was talking on the phone, as if pretending to agree.

The first meeting is not there. On a couple, she came, we approached the watt of fact? She says, sorry, work (aga, between pairs). The second meeting is not there. Again, what are the things? Guys, understand, I have no time (as well, lies and does not red, although if it was red, we would not notice))) And so she dropped us 4 times! Sometimes it pushes up. We went to the presbyterium and we say so and so, drive her out of our group, we will do everything ourselves. He says, let’s talk with her. Bazar is not there, let’s wonder what else will come up with. This goat began to say that she is trying, but we Russians are behaving so with her because she is black. Then there was a heartbreaking talk about what she and her ancestors had been very hard all the years, and here is the 21st century and again racism. Even a tear, a bitch. I sit and guard. I have heard these phrases in the movies, but I thought it was all a joke. It's good that the pred really got adequate, he says to her, "Here you mentioned that you're trying, it's been 2 weeks and more, show me your work" T-dam, a nude scene, of course, she didn't show them, silently got up and left. Prepod gave good on her "exit" from our group, we gave up on excellent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna