— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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She: You can’t even imagine what I’ve been doing this morning.)
He: Well yes, I find it hard to imagine.
She: Tennis with friends discussed an urgent issue. There is such a belief - if you throw red trousers on the luster, then... here the opinions are divided. There are two options: 1. money will flow through the river. 2nd A man will appear in his personal life. And the more original the way to throw them, the better the result. I have not come to one opinion as to what the outcome will be. We will have to find out experientially. So this morning from half an hour tried to throw the red strings from the foot on the luster))
now even if there is no result - let everyone think that I have a turbulent personal life))
He is ?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna