— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’m afraid to ask what the word "earn" means.
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This is "to hit" The expression "currently jeblo" has not been heard?

Let me quote Sergey Dovlatov.

Allow me to reproduce a not entirely censored record from my army notebook.

They sent a sergeant from Moscow to us. A very intelligent young man, the son of a writer.
Wishing to appear to be a stubborn coward, he endlessly matted.

He cried out to a rabbit:

Are you fucking?! to

(This is exactly how I put the emphasis.)

Zek reacted thoroughly:

“Citizen, you are wrong. You can say, fuck, fuck and fuck.
And fucking - such a word in Russian literary language, sorry, not.

He was given a Russian language lesson".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna